Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Kellygate: Taking the scientific approach to examine theories about the death of Dr. David Kelly

Many people I've spoken to believe that David Kelly's death in 2003 was murder.

Many people I've spoken to believe that David Kelly's death was closely related to what may be called an illegal war in Iraq.

Many people I've spoken to believe that the Hutton Inquiry was no more than a sophisticated cover-up.

Three theories.

The scientific way to look at any theory whether it's a so-called "conspiracy theory" or not is carefully to examine the evidence that exists.

And where the evidence is missing to attempt to find additional evidence to allow the theory to be tested or refined.

That approach to a theory is called the "scientific method".

And that's the approach that I'll take.

I'll look at the three theories I listed earlier in this post and examine the evidence for and against them.

And, if I carry out that process successfully I should, over time, get closer and closer to the Truth about the death of Dr. David Kelly.

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