Thursday, 30 May 2013

Kellygate - Other online sources of information on the death of Dr. David Kelly

It might be helpful to those coming new to the questions surrounding the suspicious death of Dr. David Kelly to be aware of other online information resources which are relevant.

I'll first list those that I consider to ask serious questions and to attempt to give honest answers.

  1. Chilcot's Cheating Us - this is a blog that I wrote starting early in 2010. It covers issues relating to the inadequacy of the Iraq Inquiry led by Sir John Chilcot, as well as an extensive range of posts on the death of Dr. David Kelly and related matters
  2. Come Clean on Kelly - this is a blog that I wrote that lists a significant number of Freedom of Information Requests that I made to Thames Valley Police and other organisations on matters relevant to the death of Dr. Kelly.
  3. Dr. Kelly's Death - Suicide or Murder? - This blog was the first of two blogs about Dr. Kelly's death by my late friend, Brian Spencer.
  4. Dr. Kelly's Death - Time for the Truth - This is the more recent of the two blogs about Dr. Kelly's death by my late friend Brian Spencer. In his first post on that blog, A new blog about Dr Kelly's death Brian clearly expressed his view about whether Dr. Kelly's death was suicide or murder: "I am now confident that I can rule out suicide.".
  5. Inquest required into death of Dr. David Kelly - This blog, written by Dr. Stephen Frost, puts into the public domain a large number of original documents and correspondence relating to the fight to achieve an inquest for Dr. Kelly.
  6. Dr. David Kelly - This is part of the personal website of Dr. David Halpin. David was the doctor who sought from the High Court permission for Judicial Review of the Attorney General's decision announced to the House of Commons on 9th June 2011. Disappointingly, the High Court refused permission.
  7. The Dr David Kelly Inquest Fund - This site has in the past raised funds for Judicial Review of Dominic Grieve's decison announced in his statement to the House of Commons of 9th June 2011 (see below for a link to the statement).
  8. Who Killed David Kelly? - This blog relates to my project to create a book provisionally entitled "Who Killed David Kelly?". The post, Who Killed David Kelly? - 17th July 2003 - The Perfect Day for the Perfect Political Murder? , asks some of the "big picture" questions that still have to be answered.
The following list of information sources represent the "official" story about the supposed "suicide" of Dr. Kelly. On the surface they seem to provide reliable information. However, in my considered opinion, they conceal information or provide biased information intended to perpetuate the false conclusion that Dr. Kelly committed suicide. Nonetheless they do provide useful information on some aspects of the suspicous death of Dr. Kelly.

  1. The Hutton Inquiry - The former web site of the Hutton Inquiry is now hosted by the UK National Archives.
  2. Attorney General's Office - Dr. David Kelly - Lists most but not all of the material released by the Attorney General's Office in the aftermath of Dominic Grieve's statement to the House of Commons on 9th June 2011: Dr. David Kelly.
  3. Thames Valley Police - Investigations Log - This lists Freedom of Information replies given by Thames Valley Police in relation to Freedom of Information Requests about a variety of TVP investigations. Many of the responses relate to the TVP investigation of the death of Dr. David Kelly. At the time of writing, it does NOT give any information about the questions asked about the Kelly investigation but which Thames Valley Police have refused to answer.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Kellygate 29th May 2003 - Countdown to suicide? Countdown to murder?

Ten years ago today, on 29th May 2003, Andrew Gilligan at a few minutes past six in the morning made statements on the BBC Radio 4 "Today" programme that were, a few weeks later, to attract national media attention in the UK.

In the perspective of many commentators Gilligan's comments and the subsequent publicity those comments attracted were closely associated with Dr. David Kelly's supposed suicide on 17th July 2003.

Was David Kelly genuinely Andrew Gilligan's source?

Did Andrew Gilligan invent a deception or conspiracy in and around the Blair Government that had no basis in fact? Could Alastair Campbell, for once, have been telling the truth?

Or is it possible that Andrew Gilligan got it wrong not by inventing a conspiracy that didn't exist but by  understating the extent and seriousness of the conspiracy that his remarks on the Today programme hinted at?

Is it possible that what I'm calling Kellygate (but which might equally be called Iraqgate) is a criminal conspiracy by those in and around the Blair Government that dwarfs Watergate in its criminality, its seriousness, and the extent of cover-up involving the UK judiciary, UK Police officers and the UK Attorney General?

In due course, I'll examine the answers to those questions and others.

Kellygate is dauting in its complexity.

It will take me many posts to examine the evidence.

In the end you'll make up your own mind whether I'm some wacky "conspiracy theorist" or someone who has looked at the evidence, daunting though it is in its extent, and reached a rational, credible conclusion.

So, in the end, it's up to me to convince you in posts on this blog over the following weeks and months.

Kellygate: Taking the scientific approach to examine theories about the death of Dr. David Kelly

Many people I've spoken to believe that David Kelly's death in 2003 was murder.

Many people I've spoken to believe that David Kelly's death was closely related to what may be called an illegal war in Iraq.

Many people I've spoken to believe that the Hutton Inquiry was no more than a sophisticated cover-up.

Three theories.

The scientific way to look at any theory whether it's a so-called "conspiracy theory" or not is carefully to examine the evidence that exists.

And where the evidence is missing to attempt to find additional evidence to allow the theory to be tested or refined.

That approach to a theory is called the "scientific method".

And that's the approach that I'll take.

I'll look at the three theories I listed earlier in this post and examine the evidence for and against them.

And, if I carry out that process successfully I should, over time, get closer and closer to the Truth about the death of Dr. David Kelly.